Thursday, January 22, 2015

I was raised within a religion. It never occurred to me that our doctrine was strict whatsoever. Perhaps because there was no comparison. I couldn't compare a life outside ours. The goal was to live a kind of life that is pleasing and righteous to the eyes of our Father. I've always believed in our Almighty Father. I haven't finished the bible but I've always felt the spirit. It's in the mind and it's omnipresent. That shaped my character. 

My Father answered all my prayers.

The things that I still long for aren't prayed for yet. I have stopped praying. Maybe, I assumed too much. I assumed He will not give the thing my heart desires because it's beyond righteousness. Who knows what righteousness is?Not the one dictated by anyone.

Our religion told me that we ask everything through prayers - fervent prayers. I had a lot. When difficult times came, I prayed. 

On many occasions, My Father answered my prayers.

Why do you have to be prayerful?Why do you have to carry on this belief?

You might not grow up the way I want you to be, for I am not in a total control of your future. There's a possibility that despite all my great efforts to raise you believing in God, I will still fail. Among many things that you might not believe in is the power of prayer.

There are many testimonies of answered prayers and I have mine too.

Because of the doctrine that we should ask things we want to have through prayers, I prayed for all the important milestones in my life.

Why do you have to be prayerful?It''s simply wiser to be one than to be not.